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Team, E., 2001. Editorial. Body, Space & Technology, 2(1). DOI:


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Welcome to the third issue of the Body, Space & Technology Journal. The material published in our previous issues has been excellent and we intend to maintain this high standard. We have had a fantastic response to the journal so far and the reputation of Body, Space & Technology is going from strength to strength. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Johannes Birringer from Dance Technology to our editorial board.

The journal is now capable of supporting audio and visual interactive technology and we welcome submissions in this area. This issue features papers from performers who prioritise technology in their practice and site-specific visual artists. We would like to draw your attention to the performance review section which is a developing feature of the journal. Please keep the performance reviews coming in and or course we are still very interested in receiving paper and book reviews.

Articles remain the core component of the journal and we are now open to receiving submissions for the next issue. For our next issue please check the deadline in our submissions page.

Finally, we hope you find our third issue of Body, Space & Technology both stimulating and a source of inspiration for your own work.

Sue Broadhurst and Barry Edwards.


SUE BROADHURST, Brunel University

BARRY EDWARDS, Brunel University


JOSEPHINE MACHON, Brunel University


PAUL ALLAIN, University of Kent

JOHANNES BIRRINGER, Ohio State University

RICHARD BOWDEN, VVR Lab - Brunel University

RENATO COHEN, State University of Sao Paulo

JACKIE DAY, Independent Artist - London

STEVE DIXON, University of Salford

JOHN FREEMAN, De Montfort University

ANTHONY HOWELL, Independent Artist and Critic - London

GEOFF HYLAND, University of Cape Town

TANYA KRZYWINSKA, Brunel University

HELEN PARIS, Brunel University

MAGGI PHILLIPS, Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts

RICHARD POVALL, Independant Artist, UK

HORST RUTHROF, Murdoch University, Western Australia

ANA SANCHEZ-COLBERG, Central School of Speech and Drama, London

BARRY SMITH, Nottingham Trent University

SHELLEY SACKS, Oxford Brookes University

PHILIP STANIER, Brunel University

ROB TAYLOR, University of Arizona, US

VAZKRESSIA VICHAROVA, New Bulgarian University

TRACEY WARR, Dartington College of Arts

PHILLIP ZARRILLI, University of Exeter



Body, Space & Technology, ISSN 1470-9120 is published in association with the School of Arts at Brunel University. Body, Space & Technology, ISSN 1470-9120 is published two times a year in association with the Department of Performing Arts at Brunel University.

Editors would like to acknowledge the generous assistance of John Aplin, Ben Jarlett, Sue Ramus and Media Services at Brunel.

There is no subscription charge for on-line access to the journal.

There will be a hard copy of the inaugural issue available from the editors. Full details of costs and how to order can be obtained from



Editorial Team



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