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Team, E., 2001. Editorial. Body, Space & Technology, 1(2). DOI:


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Welcome to the second issue of Body/Space/Technology Online Journal. In keeping with the journals aims this issue includes a range of subjects including dance, theatre, live-art and architecture.

The online journal, a form that will presumably become more prevalent due to its cost, is a form that has not been decided, over the next year we hope to make this a unique site one which can be used for graduate, postgraduate and academic purposes. One that makes use of the technology in such a way as to provoke immediate responses to articles and contains links to other online journals, one where the presence of the artist should be equal to the academic, but equally rigorous. The Internet is a form that relies on constant upkeep, as such these journals must seek to find what differentiates them from traditional formats on a regular basis.

This journal is not as yet in the form we would wish it, partially from technological constraints that we are attempting to overcome. This issue includes essays reviews and response to papers in the last issue. Moreover, there are music files that can be downloaded and played on your computer and if all goes to plan on launch of the issue or shortly afterwards there will also be video clips of performance to view. Whereas the first issue was a collection of the papers from the liminality conference this issue was an open call and as such the collection of papers is eclectic. However the following issue will be themed and proposals are now welcome for the issue, the theme and proposal deadline will be announced shortly.

Special thanks for this issue should go to Jo Machon and Ben Jarlett.


SUE BROADHURST, Brunel University

BARRY EDWARDS, Brunel University

Guest Editor

PHILIP STANIER, Brunel University




PAUL ALLAIN, University of Kent

RICHARD BOWDEN, VVR Lab - Brunel University

RENATO COHEN, State University of Sao Paulo

JACKIE DAY, Independent Artist - London

STEVE DIXON, University of Salford

JOHN FREEMAN, De Montfort University

ANTHONY HOWELL, Independent Artist and Critic - London

GEOFF HYLAND, University of Cape Town

TANYA KRZYWINSKA, Brunel University

HELEN PARIS, Brunel University

RICHARD POVALL, Independant Artist, UK

HORST RUTHROF, Murdoch University, Western Australia

ANA SANCHEZ-COLBERG, Central School of Speech and Drama, London

BARRY SMITH, Nottingham Trent University

SHELLEY SACKS, Oxford Brookes University

PHILIP STANIER, Brunel University

ROB TAYLOR, University of Arizona, US

VAZKRESSIA VICHAROVA, New Bulgarian University

TRACEY WARR, Dartington College of Arts

PHILLIP ZARRILLI, University of Exeter



Body, Space & Technology, ISSN 1470-9120 is published in association with the School of Arts at Brunel University. Body, Space & Technology, ISSN 1470-9120 is published two times a year in association with the Department of Performing Arts at Brunel University.

Editors would like to acknowledge the generous assistance of John Aplin, Ben Jarlett, Sue Ramus and Media Services at Brunel.

The journal's cover image is courtesy of Sue Broadhurst.

There is no subscription charge for on-line access to the journal.

There will be a hard copy of the inaugural issue available from the editors. Full details of costs and how to order can be obtained from



Editorial Team



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