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Team, E., 2000. Editorial. Body, Space & Technology, 1(1). DOI:


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This inaugural issue of BST launches what the editors hope will make a major contribution to the field of performance and technology.

The focus of the journal is interdisciplinary aiming to make connections between disciplines or approaches. It is aimed at a wide-ranging readership that would include not only academics but also performers, practitioners, and artists from a whole range of disciplines. Therefore, for our future issues we would welcome submissions from all areas of contemporary arts' practices that work with the body, space and new technologies. To be more explicit, submissions can relate to either body, space or technology or any combination of these elements relating to performance practice.

Given that many refereed publications fall into clear thematic areas we are of the mind that Body, Space & Technology should provide a forum for discussions that cross boundaries and/or reflect contemporary modes of interactivity and cross-fertilisation in practice as well as theory.

This inaugural issue of the journal is unique in that it consists of papers and presentations given at the Liminality and Performance Conference at Brunel University in May of this year. However, future issues will reflect the journal's more wide ranging interests.


SUE BROADHURST, Brunel University

BARRY EDWARDS, Brunel University




PAUL ALLAIN, University of Kent

RICHARD BOWDEN, VVR Lab - Brunel University

RENATO COHEN, State University of Sao Paulo

JACKIE DAY, Independent Artist - London

STEVE DIXON, University of Salford

JOHN FREEMAN, De Montfort University

ANTHONY HOWELL, Independent Artist and Critic - London

GEOFF HYLAND, University of Cape Town

TANYA KRZYWINSKA, Brunel University

HELEN PARIS, Brunel University

RICHARD POVALL, Independant Artist, UK

HORST RUTHROF, Murdoch University, Western Australia

ANA SANCHEZ-COLBERG, Central School of Speech and Drama, London

BARRY SMITH, Nottingham Trent University

SHELLEY SACKS, Oxford Brookes University

ROB TAYLOR, University of Arizona, US

VAZKRESSIA VICHAROVA, New Bulgarian University

TRACEY WARR, Dartington College of Arts

PHILLIP ZARRILLI, University of Exeter



Body, Space & Technology, ISSN 1470-9120 is published in association with the School of Arts at Brunel University. Body, Space & Technology, ISSN 1470-9120 is published two times a year in association with the Department of Performing Arts at Brunel University.

Editors would like to acknowledge the generous assistance of John Aplin, Ben Jarlett, Sue Ramus and Media Services at Brunel.

The journal's cover image is by Australian photographer Imogen O'Neal. Image masking by Lynton Bilsby. The location is Fairy Falls, Far North Queensland. Many thanks to the image figure, ZBD.

There is no subscription charge for on-line access to the journal.

There will be a hard copy of the inaugural issue available from the editors. Full details of costs and how to order can be obtained from



Editorial Team



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