We are delighted to say that we have reached our 20th edition with this issue of BST Journal. Our Autumn issue, although primarily dedicated to the DRHA (Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts) Conference held in Winchester in September of this year, also contains a selection of strong papers from our open call. We are maintaining our commitment to high quality interdisciplinary and occasionally provocative writings with an issue that contains 11 papers in total. These, together with contributions to our Perspectives and Performances sections, add up to a substantial body of work for our readers to engage with and consider. We will continue to support the same excellent standard of submissions which will remain relevant, reflective and topical in future issues. We always welcome feedback from our reader on the journal itself.
Welcome to the BST 20. Enjoy!
SUE BROADHURST, Brunel University
BARRY EDWARDS, Theatre Director
PAUL ALLAIN, University of Kent
CAROL BROWN, University of Auckland
IAN BUCHANAN, University of Wollongong
ELENA COLOGNI, University of Cambridge
JAMES G. R. CRONIN, University College Cork
STEVE DIXON, LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore
EMMANOUIL KANELLOS, University of Greenwich
PETRA KUPPERS, University of Michigan, US
JO MACHON, University of Middlesex
JOHN MATTIAS, University of Plymouth
XAVIER MENDIK, Brighton University
DANIEL PLOEGER, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
SITA POPAT, University of Leeds
FRANZISKA SCHRODER, Queen's University Belfast
STELARC, Curtin University, Western Australia
OLU TAIWO, Univeristy of Winchester
FIONA TEMPLETON, Brunel University
TRACEY WARR, Oxford Brookes University
A CAVE system used to create immersive user environments. Image sourced: http://accad.osu.edu/~aprice/courses/BVE/examples.html
BST Journal acknowledges financial support from the School of Arts Brunel University. An online search facility is available at EBSCO Publishing www.ebscohost.com.
There is no subscription charge for online access to the journal.